Timber Tract Orientation is an action that should be discussed with the
crew before beginning operations on a new tract. Boundary lines must be pointed out as well as
any pipelines, overhead power lines, and public road access routes.
Boundary lines are important and must be located and
clearly marked before beginning operations. Crossing a
boundary line could result in a visit from law enforcement,
and or costly repairs, not to mention the bad publicity it
might generate. Boundary lines that are displaying faded
paint should be checked for accuracy and flagged.
Overhead electric power lines are a very real and present
danger. Not all power lines have large right of ways and
may be obscured by the timber that is to be harvested. Crew
members should always be on the lookout for overhead
power lines because of the risk of personnel being
electrocuted, damage to equipment, and starting forest fires.
Loggers find it hard to resist using power line right of
ways, ROW, for their operations. They like to use the
ROW for the trucks to turn around in, setting up a field
shop, and for landings to load trucks in. With so much
activity taking place in the ROW, people tend to let their
guard down and relax their focus while in such a dangerous
area. Loader operators raise logs ever closer to the wires
while loading. Shear operators may lose respect for power
lines and take more chances when cutting timber beside
ROWs. They should be very careful when cutting timber
that could fall or touch power lines. For example, many
years ago a power line supplying power to Houston Co.
Lake’s water pump station was damaged by a tree cut by a
shear on a logging job. On this day the shear operator was
cutting saw log size timber on an incline next to a power
line. Instead of taking extra precaution and cutting one tree
at a time, which would have given him better control, he
cut two trees. Upon releasing the shear’s grapple to lay
down the two trees, one tree twisted out of the grapple and
fell directly on the power lines. Two or three hundred yards
down the ROW, the owner and a crew member were
standing in the power line ROW, but not directly under the
power lines themselves. The chain reaction caused every
cross member supporting the power lines to snap over three
hundred yards down the line from the point of contact by
the tree. Luckily, the two men were not standing directly
under the power lines as they came crashing to the ground.
When it comes to electricity, give it a LOT! of room.
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